Email Marketing

Email marketing is a multi-faceted, powerful tool to have at your disposal. It’s a classic but highly effective way to connect to customers and keep them coming back to your business. Offers/promotions/updates are sent via email with follow up emails depending on who opens, clicks and interacts with the original. These campaigns are curated to how you want to interact with your customers to maintain relationships and sales.

Nurture email campaigns react to how your customers respond and want to interact with your business over email. They go to existing and hopeful customers that want to hear from your business. Targeted campaigns help you grow by attracting new customers to your business. Targeted emails go to people you want to target and can be based on their location, gender, age, household income, interests and more. Customers you want in your store and that probably want to shop from you. Email campaigns help potential customers discover your business and find products and services they need from you. Targeted emails are highly impactful because they are personalized and have higher open, click through and conversion rates than saturated lists.

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